22. Backend Portfolio Project

FASTEST Way to Become a Software Engineer by PIRATE KING

ToDo App

Finally, it’s time to put your skills into practice by building your first backend app. Again, keep your first one simple. Start with a basic CRUD. How about a ToDo app? Apply the REST principle. HTTP verb GET retrieves, POST creates, PUT updates, and DELETE removes a ToDo list. Verify your API works by checking your storage. Your API actions should reflect your database.


  • Create a backend web API service using Node.js and Express.js.

  • Start with a basic CRUD app, or try to solve a relatively simple real-world problem.

  • Your backend service should have the following REST APIs implemented: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE

  • API response must be in JSON format

  • Make sure to design your APIs with the REST principle in mind. For example,

    • GET should retrieve data

    • POST should create data and return the created content

    • PUT should update data and return the updated content

    • DELETE should remove data

  • Use MongoDB and Mongoose for communication with the database.


  • Create a new public project (repository) on GitHub.

  • Push your project to the master branch.

  • Get in the habit of committing and pushing often. Start creating a commit history.


πŸ”— Sample backend project idea


21. Mongoose


23. Firebase