5. Git
Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners by Traversy Media
Git & GitHub
Let’s pause on coding for a sec and quickly go over Git. Git is a free version control tool used for source code management. Getting accustomed to it is crucial because the entire industry uses it. GitHub is a cloud-based Git repository that helps developers store, manage, track, and control changes to their code.
Course Content
What is git?- 0:34
Concepts of git - 2:18
Basic commands - 3:14
Installing git - 5:43 -
touch (command) - 10:15
git init(command) - 11:33
username/email configuration - 12:43
git add (command) - 13:20
git status(command) - 13:35
git rm - -cached(command) - 14:00
git add *.html (command) - 14:22
git add .(command) - 15:00
git commit(command) - 15:50
git commit -m ' ' (command) - 17:43
.gitignore (documentation) - 18:14
git branch(command) - 21:50
git checkout(command) - 23:30
git merge(command) - 24:46
GitHub new repository - 26:15
git remote(command) - 27:46
git remote add origin(command) - 27:54
git push -u origin master(command) - 28:07
git clone(command) - 31:00
git pull(command) - 31:33
▶️ Traversy Media
🔗 Git Tutorial by W3Schools