23. Firebase
Firebase Hosting Tutorial #1 - Intro & Installation by The Net Ninja
Firebase Hosting Tutorial #3 - Deploying a Static Website by The Net Ninja
Firebase Hosting Tutorial #2 - Initializing & Testing by The Net Ninja
Firebase Hosting Tutorial #5 - Config & Redirects by The Net Ninja
Experience the Cloud
Once your backend is complete, deploy your node server to the cloud just as you did for your frontend. This time, however, use Google’s Firebase instead of GitHub pages. Experience in cloud technologies is a huge plus in the job market.
Course Content
0:00 - Intro
0:30 - What is Firebase
1:35 - Create a Firebase Project
2:35 - Firebase Control Panel
3:20 - Installing NodeJS
4:15 - Installing Firebase Tools -
1:34 - Initialize a Firebase Project
2:18 - Initialize a New Firebase Project
2:30 - Initialize a Firebase Project -
0:37 - Firebase Deploy
1:38 - Hosting URL
2:16 - Previewing this in the Browser
2:58 - Version History Settings -
0:28 - Firebase JSON
1:08 - Redirects
2:28 - Permanent Redirect 301
2:54 - Deploy this Application
3:09 - Firebase Deploy
🔗 Firebase