35. Behavioral Interview

How to Ace an Interview by PIRATE KING

How I ACED Microsoft Interview by PIRATE KING

Acing a Behavioral Interview

Interviews for software engineers consist primarily of two parts: coding and behavioral. Companies weigh the technical portion (coding) more, but messing up your behavioral is equally a red flag. This section discusses the latter (for coding, refer to this). The good news is that it's easier to prepare. Learn from my experiences in the above two videos.

PK’s 4 Tips

  1. Speak like a leader.

  2. Cite your own resume.

  3. Choose the right experience.

  4. Practice, practice, practice.

Sample Behavioral Questions

  • Where will you be in 5 years?

  • What is the most impactful project you’ve worked on in the past?

  • Tell me about a time when you experienced conflict at work. How did you overcome it?

  • Describe a time when you had to step up and demonstrate leadership skills.

  • Tell me about a time you set a goal for yourself. How did you go about ensuring that you would meet your objective?


▶️ Video: How to ACE an Interview
▶️ Blog: How I ACED Microsoft Interview


34. Coding Interview


36. Part-Time Jobs