8. JavaScript

JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners by Traversy Media

Adding User Interactivity

JavaScript is a scripting language that makes your website interactive—for example, changing the color of a button or alerting the users. It’s the world’s most popular programming language, and 98% of websites use JavaScript on the client side.

Course Content

  • Script Tags - 6:46
    Console Output - 8:20
    Variables - 11:15
    Data Types - 14:18
    Strings & String Methods - 18:38
    Arrays - 23:53
    Object Literals - 30:09
    Arrays Of Objects & JSON - 34:20
    Loops - 37:40
    High Order Array Methods - 42:24
    Conditionals - 46:30
    Functions - 53:23
    Arrow Functions - 56:22
    Constructor Functions & Prototypes - 59:25
    ES6 Classes - 1:07:21
    Window Object & DOM - 1:10:30
    DOM Selection - 1:14:50
    Manipulating The DOM - 1:20:05
    Events - 1:24:40
    Form Script - 1:30:39


▶️ Traversy Media
🔗 JavaScript Tutorial by W3Schools


7. GitHub Pages


9. JavaScript DOM